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2023 TCK Summer Bible Camp



Aomori Christian Center

This summer camp program is intended for third culture kids (TCKs) and the primary language for teaching and activities is English. We aim to provide discipleship and social engagement specific to the TCK experience that is not readily available elsewhere.

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2023 TCK Summer Bible Camp
2023 TCK Summer Bible Camp


2023年7月24日 16:00 – 2023年7月26日 13:30

Aomori Christian Center, Japan, 〒030-0133 Aomori, Moya, Nashinoki−60−1



Registration Deadline: July 1

(To register after the July 1 deadline, please contact us directly at

Registration begins at 4pm, Monday, July 24 and the official program will conclude with lunch on Wednesday, July 26.

Meals included in the camp program are Monday: Dinner; Tuesday: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner; Wedesday: Breakfast, Lunch

(for a total of B x 2; L x 2; D x 2)

If  you are encountering scheduling and logistical difficulties in relation  to camp attendance, please feel free to contact us about the  possibility of staying additional nights and/or eating additional meals  at ACC.

Camp Fees:

Teens  ¥12,000

(Sibling Discount 2nd Sibling:¥10,000 3rd sibling ~ :¥8,000)

Under 12     ¥8,000

(Sibling Discount 2nd Sibling:¥6,000 3rd sibling ~ :¥4,000)

Parent/Guardian ¥6,000

What to Bring:

Bible・writing  materials・extra clothing (including long sleaves and  trousers)・swimwear・bath towel・soap &  shampoo・toiletries(toothbrush・toothpaste etc)・flashlight (electric  torch)・sleeping bag (or bed sheets)・bug spray etc

A Note About the Venue:

The  Aomori Christian Center (ACC) was founded in 1956 and moved to its  current location in 1967. After being shut down by the city in 2014 for  not meeting building and fire codes, ACC reopened on a reduced scale in  2016 and is currently in the midst of a major rebuilding project.  Although the new multi-purpose refectory is scheduled to be completed by  June 30 (following a 3 year delay caused by COVID related border  closures), our facilities are still extremely limited and adult  attendees may be assigned off-site accommodation within walking distance  (campers—and adults, for that matter—will  have the option to stay in tents). Bathing options for those staying  onsite will include a local onsen within walking distance.


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